Friday, 27 May 2011

Snow and Tax

What we have all discussed on our park is the council tax band we pay. We are rated band B. I'm not sure that the same system to assess a house applies to park homes. We also see less services in things like street lighting and snow clearing. All the other services we use of course and these are irrespective of the value of where you live. The band is calculated by calculating what your home would have been worth in 1991 - there are a few online calculators that will do this. This seems to calculate that a house worth 100,000 now would have been worth £36,000 in 1991 so it is Band C.
However a park home is not a house, not registered with the land registry and so on, but it is a chattel, like a car or caravan. The value may increase but is more likely to decrease. I think that unless it is an extraordinarily grand park home or on a very large plot they should fall into band A.
If not then surely we should at least have the snow cleared from our small access road. It seems, although we still have to confirm it, that the owners deny it is their responsibility as if they do clear the snow and someone falls on a cleared section, then they could be liable. This does not seem so be a reason not to do it as they do have a resonsibility to maintain the park and the access road belongs to them. More on this later!

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