Monday, 25 March 2013

Bill Posters and Bill Savers

Well we have a noticeboard on the site after only a couple of years of waiting, it is a shame that the site licence displayed was issued to the previous owner who sold it to the present owners over two years ago. It does make you wonder if they have applied to have it changed. There are so many issues like this where regulations are just ignored and I suppose some are being ignored to our benefit, could be I suppose. Yes really!

On yet another completely different subject and to prove my green credentials, whatever that means, I have been fitting individual radiator control valves to replace the usual manual valves. So each room will have a separate temperature control unit with a wireless link to the radiator valve and the temperature can be programmed for different times of day. This is a much better solution that just having one main control for the whole house where if you need a bit of extra heat in the living room, the main thermostat is turned up and the whole house gets warmer. Also these single controls are often rather inaccurate and trying to increase by a small amount usually ends up as too much. It is surprising how a difference of only 1 degree can make a room feel comfortable or too cool.

So after a little research I found that EON were selling these at a reduced cost compared to elsewhere and that these were the same units as sold by Conrad Electronics. This was important as EON only sell the radiator control and not the boiler control. This second unit is needed for a good installation as it responds to a demand from the thermostats and Conrad sell this unit.
So the kits arrived from EON and they have a selection of adaptors to fit the actuator units to the radiators. Well of course our radiator valves are not standard and none of these would fit, not a surprise really! So loving a challenge I set about adapting the adaptors and with a bit of careful drilling and extra clips we had  a solution.

Adapted adaptor fitted.
The boiler control unit arrived from Conrad and this was not a problem to
fit. However programming this to recognise the room controls was a little more of a problem as although the instructions were in English the control unit itself was in German. With a 'useful' section in the manual showing the translation it all became clear eventually.

So it all works and I suppose it theory we are saving money as well as having the rooms at a comfortable level.   


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